b'ALUMNI MILITARY SCHOLARSHIPANTHONY GUZMAN Our Universitys name sake, Benjamin Franklin, was keenly aware of the value I am honored to be a recipient ofand sacrifice associated with military service, for it was on the shoulders of such a gracious gift. There was asuch service that the dreams of the point in the COVID era where it wasframers of our Constitution were made looking like I would have to pause, ifa reality. Today, service members, not completely stop my educationalveterans and family members, carry journey. Luckily, I was granted theon that same tradition of service. Your support to the Alumni Military Franklin University Alumni MilitaryScholarship will help the men and Scholarship and I was able to cross thewomen who work to defend our great finish linewith honors! nation and its freedoms keep the costof a degree within reach. 1902 LEADERSHIP CIRCLE SCHOLARSHIPADRIENNE CLAYThe Leadership Circle Scholarship, established in 2009, is awarded annually I cannot express how grateful andto undergraduate and graduate students appreciative I am to receive this award.who make a positive contribution to the economic and/or social good of their When I decided to return to school, itlocal communities. This competitive was a tough decision, as my husbandscholarship requires students to write and I had a small, growing family. Wean essay comparing their drive, tenacity decided to grind it out, always lookingand entrepreneurial spirit, to that of ahead to the end results. This awardthe Universitys namesake Benjamin Franklin. Donors to the Leadership has significantly lessened the financialCircle Scholarship make an annual burden on my family. contribution of $1,902 in tribute to the year Franklin University was established.COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRANSFER SCHOLARSHIP NOELLE TORIBIO Your donation to the Community College Transfer Scholarship will I am grateful for this scholarship. Earningsupport students who earn an associate degree from one of our my associate degree wasnt easy. I waspartner schools. Roughly 6,000 hesitant to further my education duestudents attend Franklin each year to costs. However, Franklin made the one-third of them coming directly transition easy through a partnershipfrom community colleges, allowing with my community college. Withyour donation to the Community College Transfer Scholarship tofinancial aid and the scholarship, I ammake a lasting impact.able to focus on my studies and not stress about how I will afford my tuition.Clocktower | Franklin News 27'