b'FRANKLIN SERVING THEFEATURES GREATER GOODA DIVINE PURPOSEAs the founder and CEO of Quality of Life, LLC, Cecily Ruffin (B.S. Business Administration 03), ensures adults with developmental disabilities get the support they need to increase their level of independence. However, this role that she seemed destined for, took years for her to claim.My whole reason for being is wrapped around helping others. I am happiest when I can bring value into other peoples lives. - Cecily Ruffin Helping people was something I grew up doing. My mother was a foster parent for a young lady with developmental disabilities. She suggested I become an independent provider but it didnt immediately click that I could have an agency and hire people to help. Cecily describes herself as a career student until she finished her bachelors through Franklins partnership with Stark State College. However, earning the degree didnt give her a clear sense of what she wanted to do next. After eight years with the Hoover company, Cecily held jobs that ranged from probation officer to flight attendant. Eventually, she took a job as a case worker at a counseling agency, where a co-worker observed that Cecily would excel working with the developmentally disabled population. Recalling her moms advice, she took a leap of faith. I figured I would jump in and give it a shot. My whole reason for being is wrapped around helping others. I am happiest when I can bring value into other peoples lives. Ten yearslater here we are!Quality of Life, LLC currently serves about 30 people in Summit, Stark and Portage counties by providing adult foster care, supported living and employment, and residential respite. Cecily employs 40 people who share her vision to provide high-quality care and build relationships with the individuals and families they impact. Cecilys propensity to lift up others extends beyond her business. Recently she added her support to one of Franklins giving campaigns.I am in a position now to help. Because of the Franklin and Stark State collaboration, I have a degree. I wanted to support to someone who is trying to do the same thing I did.18 Clocktower | Franklin Features'