b'FRANKLIN FEATURES A Journey to Empowerment Among the beliefs that empowered Rachel Ballowe during her personal journey to self-reliance is that success is possible given the proper support. Today, the caseworker supervisor works to provide support for refugees transitioning to life in the United States. Her inspiring story illustratesthe power of determination and hard work in achieving a dream.Rachel Ballowe (B.S. Social Sciences 23)of college once before and faced numerous knows what it means to overcome obstacleshurdles, including balancing homeschooling and pursue her dreams. A refugee socialher three children during the COVID-19 worker, a mother of three and a survivor of anpandemic with her own courseload. However, abusive childhood, Rachel did not let anythingshe persevered and earned associate degreesstop her from achieving her goal of getting ain psychology and social work from Eastern college degree. She graduated from FranklinGateway Community College before University with honors and a passion fortransferring to Franklin University.helping others live their best lives.Rachels devotion to helping others is evident Rachels journey to higher education wasin her work with refugees. She serves as 22 not without its challenges. She dropped outa caseworker supervisor for a worldwide Clocktower | Franklin Features'