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在过去的十年里,护理实践发生了巨大的变化. Nurses must now take on an expanded scope of practice that includes serving as educators, 研究人员, 以及组织内的领导者.

护理学博士学位, 也被称为护理实践博士(DNP)学位, 护理教育的最高成就是什么. DNP programs represent advanced practice education and are designed to prepare nurses to improve health system performance at the local, 州级和国家级.

在本文中, we’ll provide an overview of the skills and career options for nursing professionals with a doctorate in nursing. We hope this takes the guesswork out of preparing for your DNP degree so you can go on to have a successful career as an advanced practice nurse in clinical or administrative roles.


护理实践博士有很多用途. 你是否想成为一名执业护士, 成为临床领导者或以行政能力影响变革, DNP会让你走上职业发展的道路.

Here are 5 practical ways a DNP will help you meet personal and professionals goals and put you at the top of the nursing profession:

  • 提高病人护理的质量和安全性 运用循证实践原则.
  • 发展和管理跨专业团队 符合最高质量和安全标准的产品. 
  • 分析和评估当地和全球的影响 医疗保健组织的政策、实践和资金.
  • 成为变革推动者,加速转型 改善复杂的医疗保健服务系统.
  • 教育下一代护士 提供安全有效的病人护理.

DNP programs typically focus on two different career paths—advanced patient care roles or organizational 领导 roles. Let’s look at different careers in both clinical and non-clinical settings for nurses who earn a DNP.


Many nurses choose to pursue a career in nursing because they want to provide direct patient care. 对于那些发现临床职业道路有益的人, 获得DNP的护士在高级实践角色中有很多机会.

Let’s look at some of the top professions for DNP graduates and how much you can expect to make on a yearly basis.

注册执业护士|平均工资(EMSI): 111,675美元

虽然DNP和执业护士(NP)不是一回事。, 这个学位为NP的职业生涯提供了很好的准备. 

执业护士帮助病人护理的各个方面,包括诊断, 治疗和咨询. 护士从业人员通常在初级保健机构工作, 管理式医疗机构或医院. 

根据劳动力市场分析公司EMSI的数据, 护士从业人员的工作岗位预计将以惊人的43%增长.4% by 2031. 这主要是由于初级保健提供者的短缺. 根据 美国执业护士协会在美国,近8000万人生活在卫生专业人员短缺地区. 这种短缺意味着没有预防措施, 筛选, 免疫接种或感染和疾病的基本护理, 农村地区的病人受到的打击尤其严重.

成为执业护士, 你还需要获得国家NP认证, 通常需要满足学术要求(DNP满足这些要求), 临床工作证据, 申请费, 标准化考试.


A nurse-midwife is a licensed advanced practice nurse who specializes in women’s reproductive health and childbirth. 他们为妇女提供妇科护理, 以及在怀孕期间对孕妇及其新生儿的护理, 分娩和产后.

注册护士助产士是医疗团队的重要成员, 在某些情况下, 独立操作. 根据EMSI的数据,助产士护士的工作岗位预计将增加11%.2% by 2031. 

有抱负的护士助产士还必须通过国家认证考试 美国助产认证委员会(AMCB).


A nurse anesthetist is responsible for providing pain medication (anesthesia) for patients before, 在, 手术后. They administer medications that keep patients asleep or pain-free 在 their surgery and continuously monitor all biological functions of the patient's body. 根据EMSI的数据,到2031年,护士麻醉师的工作岗位预计将增长13%.2%. 

要胜任这一职业,很快就需要博士学位. 根据认证委员会(COA)护士麻醉教育计划, 所有CRNA学位课程必须在1月1日之前包括博士学位, 2022. 你还需要通过考试 CRNA认证 成为护士麻醉师.

临床护士长(CNL) |平均薪酬(工资.com): $91,715

临床护士长负责发展, 在临床层面管理和评估病人护理, 而不是行政层面. 这些专业人员协调, delegate and supervise the care provided by an interdisciplinary healthcare team—including physicians, 药剂师, 社会工作者, 护士, 以及临床护理专家.

拥有护理学博士学位是临床护士领导的理想人选. DNP项目侧重于循证实践的教学方法, which aligns with the primary role of CNLs—ensuring patients receive the best care by making full use of the latest innovations in care delivery.


获得一个免费的指导来帮助你提升你的职业生涯, 提供护理专家的有益建议和深思熟虑的见解.




虽然护理是一个职业,许多工作机会是在临床设置, there are many non-clinical options available to nurses with a doctorate in nursing degree. 让mg不朽情缘游戏网址来看看如果你获得了DNP学位,你有资格获得的一些高级职位.

首席护士长|平均薪资(Payscale.com): $133,623 

A chief nursing officer (CNO) is responsible for managing the overall operation of all aspects of a healthcare facility. 这可以包括从雇佣员工到管理预算的所有事情. 

根据Payscale的数据,就业前景强劲. 目前只有1个,在美国有000个职位被归类为CNOs, 使它成为一个竞争激烈的领域. 结果是, nurses with doctorates in nursing can find employment in hospitals and other such facilities as a CNO.

护理信息经理|平均薪资(Payscale.com): $109,773

Nursing informatics managers work in the interdisciplinary area of healthcare information technology and focus on using technology to improve healthcare delivery. Nursing informatics managers organize patient care software and electronic medical records, 利用他们的临床经验来优化这些系统. 

护理学博士学位 with a concentration in 领导 can provide the opportunity to gain cross-disciplinary skills in health informatics to prepare you for this thriving career.

医疗政策经理|平均薪资(工资.com): $118,991

在医疗保健环境中, a medical policy manager is responsible for formulating and 实现 policies that meet the goals of health system administrators. This process usually begins with detailed research on current trends, regulations, and legislation. A medical policy manager then uses this information to develop a comprehensive plan of action that will enhance the quality of patient safety and care provided by nurses in the organization.

护理学博士学位 will enable these professionals to understand how policies impact the health and effectiveness of an organization. They will also be able to analyze competing options with a comprehensive understanding of their consequences on patient outcomes.

护理教育工作者|平均薪资(Payscale.com): $77,303

护士教育者负责设计, 实现, and evaluating teaching strategies to prepare students for their roles as nurses in various healthcare settings. They must develop and implement learning objectives that meet the needs of students from a variety of backgrounds. 

A Doctor of Nursing Practice is ideal for nurse educators because it provides the advanced knowledge needed to develop an effective learning environment. A DNP program will provide nurses with the skills and resources needed to implement instructional strategies that are both evidence-based and focus on student and organizational outcomes.


许多护士认为博士学位是他们护理事业的下一步. A 护理实践博士 (DNP) degree will allow you to become a nurse leader that is able to achieve new levels of understanding, 专业知识, 和认可. 

When you choose mg不朽情缘游戏网址 for your DNP degree we provide two paths that prepare you for both clinical and nonclinical advanced nursing roles—one in 家庭医疗 还有一个 领导. 通过mg不朽情缘游戏网址创新的课程和内置的实习课程, you will gain both theoretical understanding and practical experience in advanced practice nursing.

看看mg不朽情缘游戏网址的在线 护理实践博士学位 能帮你把事业推向新的高度吗.

Find out how to take your nursing career further with advice from real nursing professionals.