
Upcoming Learning Commons Workshops

February 18, 2023

The Learning Commons has two workshops the week of February 20th that students may be interested in. All workshops are held online via Zoom.

Citing Sources Using APA - Tuesday, February 21 (7:00pm - 9:00pm)

By attending this workshop, students should learn how to properly write college papers according to APA style guidelines. During this workshop you will:

  • Discuss Plagiarism - learn why citing is important
  • Learn the difference between a direct quote, a summary, and paraphrasing
  • Learn tips on how to properly cite sources
  • Learn the most common types of APA citations
  • Learn more about

Basic TI83/84 Calculator - Wednesday, February 22 (8:00pm - 9:30pm)

By attending this workshop, students should feel more comfortable completing their mathematics assignments using their TI-83 calculator. During this workshop, you will learn:

  • The differences between various types of Calculators
  • The basic layout of the TI-83 calculator
  • The basic TI-83 terminology
  • The basic operation to use the TI-83 calculator
    • Floating decimals
    • Squaring
    • Graphing

Signing up for a workshop will ensure that you receive a recording of the workshop if you are unable to attend the live session.

To see all workshops offered by the Learning Commons, or to view recordings of previous workshops, please visit our Workshops page.


  • Current Students