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什么是Ed ?.D. 学位:你需要知道的一切

如果你是教育专业人士, you may have considered advancing your learning (and credentials) by earning a terminal 学位 in your field. 对于一些拥有硕士学位但想要进一步发展专业知识的人, 攻读博士学位似乎是顺理成章的下一步. However, you have one big decision to make when considering your 学位—pursue a Ph.D. 或者是Ed.D.

这两个学位的主要区别是什么? 你如何选择适合你的博士学位(和项目)?

不要压力. mg不朽情缘游戏网址是来帮你弄明白这些区别的.

Ed.D. vs. Ph.D.:有什么区别?

都是Ph值.D. 在教育和教育.D. 关注高等教育. 然而,这是这两个博士项目唯一的共同点. 这两个学位最大的区别在于教育硕士的实践重点.D. 与哲学博士的方法相比.D. 例如,大多数获得教育学学位的专业人士.D. 通常担任行政职务. 相反,那些具有Ph.D. 在教育方面更有可能教书或从事研究;

  • A Ph.D. 在教育 (Doctor of Philosophy 在教育) will focus more on recognizing challenges in the greater learning climate and finding a solution to this general concern or obstacle.
  • 相反,一个 Ed.D. (教育学博士) 程序’s work will identify new opportunities (or address age-old educational concerns) on a micro, 而不是宏观, 水平. Research and dissertation work will subsequently offer a practical application to the challenge—or challenges—with real-life implementation or plans of execution.

想知道哪个学位适合你? Here are a few questions to ask yourself when considering the type of doctorate to pursue.


选择教育的5个关键原因.D. 超过Ph值的程序.D. 程序

虽然埃德.D. 课程设置取决于你所就读的学院或大学, 在他们的核心, 大多数项目将包含许多相同的基础工作. 无论哪所学校,教育学学位都有无数的优势.D. 它们包括:

  • 关注领导力. 大多数艾德.D. 项目 are focused specifically on preparing students for administrative leadership roles. 正如mg不朽情缘游戏网址上面提到的, 这包括(但不限于)高等教育机构的领导, 学区, 非营利组织, 政府机构, 私营部门的职位.
  • 实际应用. 你不会在教育课上思考抽象的概念.D. 程序. 检验理论思想是博士学位的重点.D. 在教育方面,而Ed.D. curricula are designed to allow students to focus their dissertation work on solutions specific to problems they want to solve. 经常, doctoral students in these 项目 will choose to narrow their studies to something that is directly applicable to their current job or a role they are aspiring to obtain (post 学位 completion).
  • 研究 & 工作. 工作 & 研究. 根据《mg不朽情缘试玩》的一项研究,大多数教育工作者.D. 项目没有得到全额资助. 虽然这似乎是一种损害, 大多数学生在完成课程的同时还在做全职工作. This makes for a well-rounded learning experience with active professionals who are balancing school with their work and family responsibilities. 选择学位课程和 为有工作的成年人服务的学校 能成为无价之宝吗. Curriculum and 学位 completion terms that allow for work and a personal life during your doctoral studies are key.
  • 专业的同学. Speaking of working full time during your 学位课程—whether studying online or on-campus, having classmates who work in the industry only further enhances the classroom experience. 在埃德.D. 项目, it’s more likely than not that your 程序 colleagues will already hold significant administrative or professional positions in a wide array of fields. This presents an important opportunity as students learn from each other’s experiences in their respective niches. It also allows for organic career networking opportunities that will most-likely continue on after graduation.

Earning a doctorate is challenging and rewarding, but do you know what to really expect? 下载这个免费的指南,为你的成功做好准备.


Ph值.D. 是一个很好的选择,如果你想追求一个研究职位或教学. 在教育界,一个博士.D. 是否最适合有特定兴趣领域或研究课题的教育工作者. 那些拥有教育哲学博士学位的人可以包括社会学家, 学校心理学家, 和辅导员. Your work will most likely focus on researching and contributing to new information in the field of education—but without a hands-on application. 当然,那些有博士学位的.D. can also teach at the collegiate (and sometimes secondary school) 水平—though the latter is less common.


如果你的职业目标不局限于教学或研究,那么Ed.D. 对你的最终学位来说,这是一个更好的选择吗. Practical application of your coursework and research can be applied to your current job (or the job you want to be promoted to). 一个教育.D. 对于那些追求教育领导角色的人来说,这是一个很好的选择吗. 这包括公立K-12学校的行政职位, 大专院校, 有时是私营医疗部门的工作, 政府, 或业务.

对领导角色或解决问题的切实方式感兴趣? 听起来像艾德.D. 也许适合你. 让mg不朽情缘游戏网址深入了解一下Ed.D. 都是关于.

教育的类型.D. 度

现在你知道了持有Ed的好处.D. 学位, let’s take a look at the different specialties that exist under the greater doctoral umbrella. 专精于教育.D. 学位 can help you focus your doctoral work on changes you’d like to implement in your current role or break into a niche in a position you’re aspiring to obtain.


不同学校的课程设置差别很大. So, 如果你有兴趣把你的博士工作集中在这些专业之一, 做好调查. 回顾所提供的课程, 师资队伍, 文献使用, 校友网络, and any noteworthy research or professionals associated with the college of university. 这将帮助你从不太好的东西中挑选出优秀的.

为什么选择在线教育.D. 程序

大多数艾德.D. students will pursue their 学位 while working full time and balancing family responsibilities. 平均而言,大多数成年学生需要五年的时间来完成他们的教育.D.. 这取决于你的课程负担, 如果你在暑假上课的话, and the amount of time it takes to complete your dissertation or capstone project work, 博士学位最短可以用三年,最长可以用七年. 大多数学校规定所有的课程必须在7年内完成.

幸运的是,大多数Ed.D. 课程是为在职专业人士设计的. 选择在线教育.D. 程序 might be your best option if you plan to continue working while completing your 学位. 担心只在网上获得学位的名声? 不.

横跨美国.S., 在线学位 流行度在迅速增长吗. 根据巴布森调查研究小组的一项研究, more than 71 percent of leaders in the academic community are rating web-based learning as equal to or even superior than traditional face-to-face instruction. 截至2014年,这一数字为5.8 million students (roughly 30 percent of all college students) were enrolled in distance learning courses.

在线教育将继续存在. 但, as this type of learning continues to gain momentum—and positive accolades—it’s important to obtain the right information in order to assess what makes a 优秀的在线学位课程 (什么不会).


如果你决定了艾德.D. 是否适合你,在入学前一定要仔细研究项目. 不要选择谷歌搜索中出现的第一所学校. 不要只选择你在行业中听到过的最流行的名字. A doctoral 程序 is a very personal choice—so be sure the college or university offers the best online experience possible.

这里有一些关于如何整理各种Ed的提示.D. 项目.

图表描述了审查在线教育时要考虑的问题.D. 学位课程

最后,最好选择a 区域认证, 非营利组织 或者公共机构. 确保在招生组合中有其他兼职成人学习者. You don’t want to be the only one working on a doctoral 学位 while holding a full-time job along with juggling family commitments. And if you know you want to specialize, then be sure the school offers the specific Ed.D. 你感兴趣的是. 一般的程序可能不是你想要的. The faculty at Franklin who teach and advise these 项目 continue learning and training as well by completing a four-course sequence developed and administered by mg不朽情缘试玩国际创新指导研究所 确保他们能够满足博士生的独特需求. 在考虑成本之后, 转让学分的灵活性, 以及学校在线学习门户网站的有效性, 你就能顺利地选择合适的课程了.


Discover common pitfalls and the 5 key metrics that will help you finish your doctorate 学位.