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America faces one of the highest crime and incarceration rates in the world—jailing 655 inmates per 100,000人, 哪个国家比第二近的国家高出近7%. Our criminal justice system needs forward-thinking leaders who are ready to develop innovative solutions that will decrease crime and increase public safety.


  • 想要积极改善你所居住的社区.
  • 有意愿帮助改革和改善刑事司法制度.
  • 想要开发系统地减少犯罪的项目.
  • 有兴趣帮助罪犯改过自新,减少重犯.
  • Want to help victims of crime get justice and hold the correct individuals accountable.

通过获得刑事司法学士学位, 你会对美国的司法系统有一个全面的了解. You will gain analytical and critical thinking skills to deal with the ethical and social implication of your career, 同时了解现代科技如何帮助预防和控制犯罪.

说到支付学费,助学金是你最好的选择之一. 但你知道怎么找到他们吗? 通过下载这个免费指南来消除猜测


A career in criminal justice can be a rewarding way to serve your community while securing a job in a growing and well-paying sector. 你现在是否在这个领域, 或者寻找新的职业, 这里有一些理想的候选人 B.S. 刑事司法行政.


因应公务员教育需求的转变, current professionals looking to advance their career will benefit from getting their bachelor’s degree. 学士学位可以满足更高的薪水期望, 从而获得监督或管理的机会, 以及情报或国家安全等领域的新就业前景. 你甚至可以通过当前的培训获得转学分.


Transitioning from military service to a civilian career can pose unique challenges. For those looking to continue to serve their country and use their training to build a meaningful career, 刑事司法可以是一个自然的过渡. 把军事技能和学士学位结合起来 退伍军人在这一领域能否成为晋升的首选人选.


刑事司法提供了良好的就业前景和有目的的职业生涯. 对于那些想进入这个行业的人, 学士学位为您提供美国商务英语的基础知识.S. justice system as well as cutting-edge techniques and technology that will give you a leg up.



A B.S. 刑事司法行政 is an extremely flexible degree with a range of career options. Here are some of the top careers in the criminal justice field that either require or benefit from a bachelor’s degree.


警察是防范犯罪的第一道防线. 他们调查轻微犯罪, 社区巡逻, 逮捕和逮捕嫌疑犯, 并开出交通罚单. 虽然学士学位不是必需的, 学位通常是首选,也是晋升的首要考虑因素.

  • 预计到2026年增长7%
  • 平均工资:62960美元


FBI agents are responsible for investigating violations related to national security and federal law. 执法界收入最高的职业之一, you need a four-year college degree as well as several years work experience to apply.

  • 预计增长:未报告
  • 平均工资:63,908美元


Forensic science technicians aid criminal investigations by collecting and analyzing evidence. Many technicians specialize in various types of laboratory analysis and a bachelor’s degree is required.

  • 预计到2026年增长17%
  • 平均工资:57,850美元


Probation officers provide social services to assist in the rehabilitation of law offenders on probation or parole. 学士学位是这个领域的入门教育.

  • 预计到2026年增长6%
  • 平均工资:51,410美元

U.S. 元帅

U.S. 元帅s有许多功能, 包括捍卫和保护无辜的人, 以及逮捕和运送犯罪嫌疑人. They must have a bachelor’s degree and minimum one year of specialized experience.

  • 预计增长:未报告
  • 起薪中位数:45371美元

What’s the Difference Between a Bachelor’s Degree and 联系 Degree in Criminal Justice?

Many people interested in pursuing a career in criminal justice weigh the pros and cons of getting an advanced degree. For many, an associate degree seems like the quickest and easiest way to advance. 然而,获得B有明显的优势.S. 刑事司法行政.



获得学士学位是一项有价值的投资, especially when you can pursue your degree while continuing to work full time with programs like mg不朽情缘游戏网址在线B.S. 刑事司法行政. This option is specially designed for working professionals who want to advance their career. 通过在线课程, you can work at your pace and fast track your degree with transfer credit opportunities.

这里有一些选择的理由 mg不朽情缘游戏网址 你得了B.S. 刑事司法行政: Learn from real world practitioners in the criminal justice administration field. Tailor your program by choosing from a variety of electives that will prepare you for your specific career interests.

Benefit from award-winning curriculum—an AECT best practice distance educator— which signifies our dedication to collaboration and innovation that impacts your learning and success. Use broad-based experiential learning tools to participate in unique multimedia-based learning experiences that include virtual field trips, 罪犯账户, 以及演讲嘉宾.


学士学位不仅为更高收入的职业打开了大门, it will also give you the in-depth knowledge and job-ready skills that may take years to gain on the job, 或者根本不教.

当你参加一个受人尊敬的学士课程,如mg不朽情缘游戏网址的B.S. 刑事司法行政, you can expect to gain critical skills in these areas:

  • Law enforcement; corrections, probation and parole
  • 少年司法、犯罪和少年矫正
  • 犯罪学理论与犯罪控制
  • 刑事司法领导和管理


  • Use data-driven best practices to decrease crime and diminish reliance on mass incarceration practices that marginalize entire communities.
  • 分析和综合犯罪控制的科学理论, 评估和发展针对各种犯罪原因的具体模式.
  • 能有效地进行书面和口头沟通. This important skill will aid in everything from report writing to talking to suspects or parolees.
  • Develop innovative programs that challenge old conventions and improve safety and security.


From harsh sentencing laws and mass incarceration to pill mills and the opioid epidemic, our criminal justice system faces unparalleled challenges that affect broad cross-sections of society. 虽然改革的必要性可能是显而易见的,但一个急需变革的计划却并非如此.

A new generation of criminal justice leaders will tackle these problems from the top-down and ground up.

A master’s in criminal justice will teach you to develop real solutions to the complexities of a decentralized criminal justice system. mg不朽情缘游戏网址在线刑事司法硕士学位 能在14个月内完成吗, 快速启动你的职业发展和能力,实现有意义的改变.


如果你准备好开始改变美国的司法体系, 或者在这些领域发展你的事业, a B.S. 在刑事司法管理中是一个重要的环节.

加入mg不朽情缘游戏网址的在线B.S. 刑事司法行政 program to learn from top industry professionals, 追求实践课程,并根据你的职业目标定制你的课程.
