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技术正在推动每个行业的变革, 使计算机科学成为发展最快的职业之一. 事实上,根据劳工统计局(BLS)的数据, the computer and information technology field is expected to grow 13% by 2026——比所有职业的平均增长率都要快. Startups, Fortune 500s, nonprofits and government are all looking for top talent. 

Some believe you don’t need a degree to compete for these jobs, but is that true? While there are numerous ways to gain the technical skills you need—from self-learning to coding bootcamps—a computer science (CS) degree can get you further, 快. 以下是为什么投资一个计算机科学学位是值得的. 


从硬件和软件开发到系统和网络安全, 计算机科学是一个广阔的领域,薪水极具竞争力.


A computer science degree is the most comprehensive technology degree program—covering topics in all of these specialties—which opens the door to a wide variety of career paths. Here are some of the fastest-growing and highest paying careers that prefer candidates with a bachelor’s degree.


软件开发人员是计算机程序背后的创造性思维. 从研究到最终用户测试, they are responsible for the entire development process for computer and mobile applications software or specialized utility programs. 
工资中位数: $103,626
预计就业增长(2029年): 27%


Computer systems analysts study an organization’s current computer systems and identify opportunities to make them more efficient and effective. They use data modeling and conduct in-depth research to identify trends and performance issues, 为开发团队提供改进路线图.
工资中位数: $88,733
预计就业增长(2029年): 11%


信息安全分析师, 或者网络安全专家, plan and carry out security measures to protect an organization’s computer networks and systems. 他们必须跟上安全趋势,为安全漏洞做好准备, 调查违规行为, 并实施灾难恢复计划.
工资中位数: $98,342
预计就业增长(2029年): 24%


数据库管理员存储和组织数据, 比如财务信息或客户记录, 使用专门的软件. They make sure that data is available to authorized users and protected from unauthorized use, 同时优化性能并提供支持服务. 
工资中位数: $90,085
预计就业增长(2029年): 12%


Systems software developers research, design, develop, and test operating systems-level software. They create the operating systems that control most consumer electronics in use today, 包括手机和汽车使用的那些.
工资中位数: $110,011
预计就业增长(2029年): 12%

What You Get From a 计算机科学 Degree (That’s Hard to Get Elsewhere)

今天, there’s a seemingly endless number of ways to gain coding skills—intensive bootcamps, 移动应用程序, 研讨会, 证书项目, 甚至是自学. 这些选择大多侧重于特定的计算机语言技能. 他们缺少什么?, 然而, is comprehensive education that includes both technical and interpersonal skills.

Comparing the Three Most Common Methods  To Level Up A Career 计算机科学s .巴布亚新几内亚

如果你将计算机科学学位与其他技术项目进行比较, 以下是计算机科学学位课程的不同之处:

  • A B.S. 计算机科学学士学位是终身证书. While technology will change, a bachelor’s degree will always be relevant and never expires. 
  • 您将获得无与伦比的行业知识广度. You will learn much more than how to code in a computer science degree program. 你将学习基本的数据结构和算法, 计算机网络和体系结构, 数据库管理, 网络安全以及其他更多的东西,以提供卓越的职业灵活性.
  • 你将专注于培养批判性思维和解决问题的能力. Through both major and general education courses you will gain transferable skills that help you creatively solve problems of all shapes and sizes.
  • 学会团队合作,解决大规模的挑战. 发展比以往任何时候都更加具有合作性. 你不仅要成为你所在领域的专家, but also be able to work in cross-functional teams and communicate across departments.

While a bachelor’s in computer science degree is a significant 承诺, 这是对你职业生涯的长期投资. 其他程序可能更快或更便宜, 但随着时间的推移,成本会随着继续教育的需要而增加. You may also experience lower salaries or a more difficult time advancing without a bachelor’s degree.

And, if you already have a bachelor’s degree in another field, you can also consider getting a 计算机科学硕士学位. 即使你没有计算机科学背景, you can take prerequisite courses in computer science before diving into a master’s program. This can immediately increase your salary opportunities and clear the way to leadership positions.


说到支付学费,助学金是你最好的选择之一. 但你知道怎么找到他们吗? 通过下载这个免费指南来消除猜测.



Computer science is a highly technical field that also requires creativity and teamwork. 因为你获得的知识和技能的深度和广度, 完成计算机科学学位需要时间, 承诺, 和毅力. 确保你做好了成功的准备. 


  • 不要害怕尝试. 掌握计算机科学技能需要大量的试验和错误. 准备好不断尝试新事物,从失败中学习.
  • 利用所有可用的资源. Reach out to faculty, collaborate with classmates, join structured study or tutoring sessions. 找出你的项目所能提供的一切帮助你取得成功.
  • 不要拖延. Waiting until the last minute to cram for an exam or complete a project won’t work in a CS program. 您需要时间来编写、测试和修复代码. Make sure you’re consistent in your study habits and make a plan for completing your work on time.
  • 注重培养软技能,就像培养技术技能一样. 不要迷失在代码中. Make sure you’re working to become a well-rounded employee who communicates effectively, 合作很好, 是一个批判性和创造性的问题解决者.


Getting your computer science degree is an undertaking—but it’s well worth the investment if you are looking to:

  • Get into a technology field, but don’t have any existing technical knowledge or skills.
  • Make yourself a more attractive job candidate in a competitive talent pool.
  • 申请升职或加速晋升.
  • 在行业领先的雇主那里找到工作.
  • 把你的技术技能提升到一个综合学位的新水平.

Interested in pursuing your degree in computer science, but not sure how you will make it happen? Getting an online computer science degree is a great way to balance your current career, 个人生活和教育. 


mg不朽情缘游戏网址 B.S. 计算机科学 是专门为满足工作的成年人的需要而设计的吗. 完全在线教学, Franklin’s CS degree teaches a language-independent curriculum using hands-on assignments to give you the skills you need to succeed in today’s fast-paced industry. 探索项目细节 来看看mg不朽情缘游戏网址的计算机科学学位如何帮助你取得成功.
