
俗话说得好, the only certainties in life are death 和 taxes – 和 that means accountants will always be in dem和. 事实上,会计和审计员的职位预计将增加10个.根据领先的劳动力分析公司Lightcast的数据,到2032年,这一比例将达到6%.

但是会计不仅仅是关于税收. 在这个复杂和不断变化的领域中有许多专业可供选择, 其中许多工作需要学士学位以外的额外培训和证书. 因为认证项目通常需要大量的时间和金钱投入, underst和ing which certification aligns with your career goals is an important part of your professional development plan. That’s why we’ve rounded up information about eight certifications that can help you advance your career, 以及你在探索你的选择时应该考虑的关键因素. 


会计 certifications are credentials that demonstrate expertise in a certain specialty area within accounting or that recognize specific skills. 例如,某些会计角色需要特定的证书, only professionals who have earned the 注册会计师(CPA) credential can sign audit reports. 其他认证可以用来培养新的技能, 进入专门的职位,在招聘过程中脱颖而出. 有些认证是由行业监管机构颁发的, 而其他则由国税局或特定学校监督.


会计认证课程适用于所有不同类型的会计师, 对于注册会计学位课程的学生也是如此. 当你还是学生的时候,你可以开始一些认证的资格认证过程, 大多数人在获得证书之前都需要一定的练习时间. 

Certifications are particularly beneficial for professionals who wish to perform regulated functions (like preparing federal tax returns), 晋升到一个新的角色或转向会计领域的不同领域. 


有各种各样的会计证书可供选择. 其中一些证书是通过特定的教育项目获得的, while others are obtained by taking a test or by meeting certain st和ards of education 和 experience. Many of these 证书s can significantly increase earning potential compared to the median advertised accounting salary, 也就是74美元,根据Lightcast Analytics的数据,2023年第一季度将达到600个, 领先的劳动力市场数据提供商.


  • 广告工资中位数:86,400美元 

“A CPA is the gold st和ard for accountants, 和 many jobs will require CPA certification,” says Dr. mg不朽情缘游戏网址会计项目主席特蕾西·米勒说. 该专业执照展示了广泛的会计职能知识, 包括税务准备, 财务报表, 财务规划, 法务会计和内部审计. 根据法律规定,只有注册会计师才能履行某些职能,比如审计上市公司. 执照在公共会计中尤为重要, 金融业, 政府与法规遵从. 


各州颁发注册会计师证书,具体程序因司法管辖区而异. 然而, accountants in every state must pass the four-part Uniform CPA Examination administered by the 美国注册会计师协会 有资格获得认证. 每个州对教育和经验都有自己的要求. Most expect a bachelor’s degree or a certain number of college credits as well as experience in a public accounting or government role.


  • 广告工资中位数:100,200美元

的 CIA qualification is a globally-recognized credential for internal auditors who work within companies 和 government agencies to ensure that financial records are correct 和 compliant 和 to uncover mistakes 和 fraud. CIA认证涵盖了一些与CPA认证相同的功能, it is more narrowly focused on audit processes 和 is geared toward roles inside organizations rather than external audit positions. 


内部审计师协会 奖励中央情报局. C和idates must pass three examinations 和 demonstrate a combination of education 和 related experience. 此外,他们必须同意遵守道德准则,并提供一份品德证明. 


  • 广告工资中位数:74,600美元

的 CMA designation demonstrates accounting proficiency 和 knowledge of strategic financial management topics, 包括报告, 预算, 风险管理及其他. This certification is a good choice for accountants who wish to move into management or leadership positions.


管理会计师协会 (IMA)提供CMA证书. 获得CMA证书, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in accounting or a related field 和 two years of relevant professional experience. 您还必须加入IMA并通过两部分CMA考试. 

准备好进入会计行业了? 在mg不朽情缘游戏网址的免费会计职业指南中获得每个职业阶段的见解.



  • 广告工资中位数:86,400美元

的 CFE certification prepares professionals for careers detecting 和 investigating financial crimes 和 fraudulent activity. 欺诈审查员进行法医学审计, 分析财务记录, 甚至从事刑事调查. 他们可能在私营部门或政府职位工作, 包括像联邦调查局这样的执法机构. 


CFE证书由英国联邦教育委员会颁发 注册欺诈审查员协会 (ACFE). 获得CFE证书, 你必须成为ACFE会员, 通过考试并证明有两年与欺诈相关的工作经验. 你还需要展示相关教育和专业经验的结合. 


  • 广告工资中位数:89000美元

的 Enrolled Agent certification qualifies accountants to prepare tax returns 和 represent taxpayers before the IRS to resolve disputes 和 other tax-related matters. 注册代理人可以与个人、企业或任何团体合作报税. 


与其他会计证书不同,注册代理证书是 由国税局直接提供. EA认证没有任何学历要求. 然而, you must pass a three-part exam or demonstrate sufficient experience as a former IRS employee.


  • 广告工资中位数:116,100美元

的 CISA certification qualifies professionals to audit, control 和 assess IT 和 business systems. 它非常适合那些希望在更技术性的环境中工作的专业人士. 


CISA证书是由 ISACA,是信息治理和安全专业人员的专业组织. 获得CISA认证, 你必须证明有五年的相关技术经验并通过考试. 


  • 广告工资中位数:70,400美元

CGFM证书证明了在政府特定会计方面的专业知识, 审计, 财务报告, 内部控制和预算实务. This certification prepares professionals for local, state 和 federal government agency positions. 


政府金融专业人士协会AGA授予CGFM认证. 的 qualification requires a bachelor’s degree 和 two years of professional experience in government financial management. 你还需要通过三门考试,并同意遵守职业道德准则. 


  • 平均工资:69,900美元

的 CGMA credential is available to accountants worldwide 和 demonstrates the management accounting skills needed for high-level positions in business or government. 除了财务会计, 该资格要求具备操作知识, 战略和管理最佳实践. 


美国注册会计师协会 在美国管理CGMA认证. 要获得CGMA认证,你必须完成一个在线认证项目并通过考试. 你还需要三年相关工作经验.


会计 certifications can be costly 和 require significant time 和 preparation – plus, 许多证书需要定期重新认证并支付费用. That means it’s crucial to underst和 how certification will advance your career prospects 和 earnings before you embark on the qualification process. 对于一些会计职位来说,像注册会计师这样的证书是必不可少的. 在其他领域, credentials can help you st和 out from other job c和idates but may not be an absolute requirement. 

正如上面的数字所示,证书可能带来更高的收入潜力. 然而, it’s important to remember that individual salaries within each area of accounting can vary significantly based on the organization 和 the relative responsibilities of each role. 

当您考虑认证是否适合您时, explore postings for jobs that interest you 和 reach out to accountants in similar positions to better underst和 whether certifications will help you reach your goals. 对许多会计师来说, the biggest payoff from earning a 证书 comes from access to specialized functions that align with their personal 和 professional interests. 


准备在会计行业找到你独特的道路? mg不朽情缘游戏网址可以提供帮助. 

mg不朽情缘试玩的 M.S. 在会计-财务运作重点M.S. 在会计-税务重点 programs are taught by experienced practitioners 和 delivered 100% online to help you balance your studies with personal 和 professional responsibilities. 短短17个月, you can earn your degree 和 gain the required hours 和 foundational knowledge to sit for professional accounting certification exams, 比如注册会计师(CPA)的称号. 

If you’re interested in boosting your accounting career with data analysis 和 presentation capabilities, mg不朽情缘试玩会计数据分析 证书课程可能适合你. This online program can be completed in 12 months 和 offers credit hours toward CPA licensure. 

学习更多关于会计的知识 硕士学位 or 证书 mg不朽情缘游戏网址的教授可以帮助你建立你的未来.

Get tips for success from 10 in-field experts to help you climb the career ladder 和 increase your earning potential.
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