
Are you looking for a versatile, 每个地区、每个行业都需要稳定、利润丰厚的职业?

Accounting may be right for you. 

每家公司——从财富500强企业到夫妻店——都需要会计专业知识. 这意味着会计师几乎可以在任何工作环境中建立一个有回报的职业生涯, with roles including public accounting, financial analysis, risk management and more. And demand is only increasing. Lightcast, a leading labor analytics firm, 据估计,美国会计和审计员的职位数量将增加10个.6% by 2032. 

获得会计硕士学位是获得成功所需的教育和专业知识的一种方式. But can you earn this degree without a bachelor’s in accounting, or do you need to start your education from scratch? 

What is a Master’s in Accounting? 

会计硕士学位是一个研究生学位,帮助学生建立高级会计主题的专业知识,从审计过程和法务会计到复杂的税务考虑. Today, 会计硕士课程还向学生介绍数字研究和分析工具和技术.

而一些会计专业人士在职业生涯中期攻读硕士学位, 这也是一个从其他领域过渡到会计的好方法. In addition to teaching accounting principles and methods, 硕士课程可以帮助你准备并获得获得行业认证所需的学分,如注册会计师(CPA)。, Certified Management Accountant (CMA), 注册内部审计师(CIA)或注册欺诈审查员(CFE).

“A master’s program in accounting provides a more comprehensive, 比本科课程或证书更深入的教育,” explains Tracie Miller, chair of Franklin University’s B.S. and M.S. in Accounting. “雇主通常看重拥有硕士学位的求职者,这可以提供竞争优势. A master’s degree can open doors to better job prospects, advancement and increased earning potential.”

What Do You Learn in a Master’s in Accounting? 

每个会计硕士项目的具体课程设置是不同的. However, most programs include accounting research, tax research and financial accounting theory coursework. 

选修课可能包括法务会计的额外课程, enterprise risk management, management control processes and advanced tax strategies. Some schools, like Franklin, 提供具有特定重点领域的硕士学位,帮助学生为更专业的角色做好准备. Students in Franklin’s M.S. in Accounting program can choose to focus either on financial operations or taxation. 财务运营的重点是一个非常适合谁希望追求的角色,作为审计师的学生, controllers or chief financial officers, 而税务重点培养学生作为个人或组织的税务顾问或顾问.

Ready to make your move in accounting? 在mg不朽情缘游戏网址的免费会计职业指南中获得每个职业阶段的见解.


Can You Get a Master’s without a Bachelor’s?

Generally speaking, 美国认可的硕士学位课程要求申请人持有认可学院或大学的学士学位. If you have not yet earned an undergraduate degree, 你可能会考虑进入该领域攻读会计学士学位. 

Franklin’s B.S. in Accounting program is offered 100% online and is designed for working adults, 灵活地适应你的个人和职业承诺. If you have previously earned undergraduate credits, 你也许可以利用mg不朽情缘游戏网址慷慨的学分转换项目提前毕业. 


会计硕士课程的入学要求因学校而异. 许多要求会计或相关领域的本科学位,如商业或金融.  

Some accounting master’s programs are open to students with an unrelated bachelor’s degree; however, 他们通常要求学生在申请前完成先决条件课程. 

Franklin University’s M.S. in Accounting 该计划为拥有不相关学士学位的学生提供了一个独特的会计课程. 无论你本科学的是什么,你都可以在没有任何必修课程的情况下申请. Once admitted, 你将在mg不朽情缘试玩或其他认可的机构完成五门必修课程,以及你的硕士课程. Alternately, if you have work experience in the field, 可以对其进行评估,以确定是否可以免除共同必修课程.

The corequisite courses, listed below, 是经过精心挑选来帮助你在研究生课程和职业生涯中取得成功的坚实基础吗.

  • Financial Accounting 
  • Managerial Accounting 
  • Intermediate Accounting I
  • Intermediate Accounting II
  • Auditing

虽然你可以在另一个机构完成同等课程,以满足你的同等要求, mg不朽情缘试玩的衔接课程是专门设计的,以简化你从另一个领域到会计的过渡. 

Jumpstart Your Accounting Career at Franklin

Ready to launch your accounting career? mg不朽情缘试玩为拥有不相关学士学位的学生提供的获得会计硕士学位的途径可以帮助你更快地实现这一目标. 

没有会计本科学位的学生可以在线完成mg不朽情缘试玩的100%课程  M.S. in Accounting degree program, including all corequisite coursework, in as few as 29-31 months, about two and a half years. 这种途径可以让你避免获得第二个学士学位的时间和费用, 并可能使你进入更高层次的会计领域,有资格担任更高级的角色. 

没有本科会计学位的学生的总学费不到30美元,000 (including master’s coursework and corequisites), so you can earn a degree that fits your ambitions and budget.

Regardless of your background, mg不朽情缘试玩的专业教师致力于帮助你过渡到会计. 您将向专业从业者学习,并获得实现职业目标所需的支持. 

Learn more about how an accounting master’s degree from Franklin University can help you build your future.

Free Guide:
Kick-starting and Advancing Your Accounting Career